Testimonials – these people trust us


“What can I say about Surgery Clinic? I had a huge problem with drink – I could go on. I tried lots of different organisations with no success. I needed a treatment that would not allow me to drink.

“I was lost my job before I found Surgery Clinic, they took care of everything, transport, treatment, the lot. I was treat with a great dignity and respect from arriving at the clinic in Warsaw. The staff are very helpful and all the problems I thought I would have had have disappeared.

“I not had a drink for 12 months now , I can’t believe how I feel now. I am very grateful to Surgery Clinic.”


I have an alcoholic husband and I was desperately trying to find some help or advice.

Searching various websites only confused the situation – they all claimed to be the best – how could I be sure? By luck I happened across the Surgery Clinic website and contacted them. Their response was fantastic, doctor emailed me within a couple of hours, we also spoke on the phone and by the end of that week he came to see my husband and I.

Doctor was able to ‘connect’ with my husband in a way that no one before had been able to and five days later my husband went into the clinic. This was a pretty scary time for us but doctor kept in touch, giving support to both of us.

It is early days, but the change I see in my man from week to week is amazing. Had it not been for Surgery Clinic, its personnel and the support, understanding and kindness shown to us, I really don’t know where we would be today. A big huge thank you!


My mother’s world was falling apart with drink, she was terrified and the terror was magnified because her husband was very seriously ill.

Surgery Clinic helped to quickly find an appropriate treatment that would take a person of her age and we negotiated the costs as we were short of funds.

Surgery Clinic treated her with care and respect. Now both are home, enjoying some good time together and she is on the road to recovery. Thanks enormously to doctor from Surgery Clinic.